Arts and Crafts Style Copperware
and Contemporary Designs
Copperware in the Arts and Crafts tradition. Items range from vases to picture frames to bookends. May pieces are patterned after original Arts and Crafts pieces from the early 1900s. Others are of the makers own design.
John also produces some pieces just for the fun of working with copper and can produce custom items on request.
The Artist
John Monk has been working with copper since 2010. John was introduced to Arts and Crafts style copperware at the John C Campbell Folk School. Previously a tinsmith, the joy of working copper revitalized his desire to create.
Now, after retiring from a life of diverse professional activities, John is bringing his art to you.

Items on this website may be purchased from the artists by contacting him at or using the contact form in this website
Not all items on the website are immediately available. The items you purchase may not be the exact items shown here, but will be similar appearance and quality.
Custom requests are welcomed. Please use the contact form to connect with John.

In 2020 John was juried in as an Artisan In Metal by the Roycrofters At Large Association. His work can be found at the Schoolhouse Gallery in East Aurora New York and at the annual Roycrofters at Large Summer Show held each year at the end of June in East Aurora New York.